The New Year
Two whole months since I wrote in Goes to show how distracted I have been with everything over the last two months.
I have yet to finish my trip synopsis from August of it wont be completed. Lets just say that the rest of the trip was lovely. We visited many awesome provincial parks and blah blah blah.
To sum it up..Northern Ontario was great..very lovely..fantastic things to see..but SO Many things to see at that. Take some time and look up Northern Ontario..well worth your visit.
Anyways..moving on to the New we are into another year..I'm now a year older..31..and making some new directions for my life over the next year. This year will be a year of development. More work will be done on my photography, as well as plans to further my education within the photo-journalism field.
I will be updating my site more and more..when I do find time..but these days I have tons of time to do as such. With all of this decision making I have before me, I am now between a winter vacation it is :)
For starters as an update to my site is the long-awaited and much-anticipated "Glamour section", which you can find by going to my gallery at or go directly to see my Glamour gallery by clicking here
For those younger and sensitive readers, please mind this gallery as it may offend. Nudity in an artistic way is displayed in this gallery..however if you choose to view, please enjoy! :)
Anyways everyone..enjoy the updates..and I will also be always updating my flickr photo-community website at:
Happy New Year 2007 Everyone! :)
I have yet to finish my trip synopsis from August of it wont be completed. Lets just say that the rest of the trip was lovely. We visited many awesome provincial parks and blah blah blah.
To sum it up..Northern Ontario was great..very lovely..fantastic things to see..but SO Many things to see at that. Take some time and look up Northern Ontario..well worth your visit.
Anyways..moving on to the New we are into another year..I'm now a year older..31..and making some new directions for my life over the next year. This year will be a year of development. More work will be done on my photography, as well as plans to further my education within the photo-journalism field.
I will be updating my site more and more..when I do find time..but these days I have tons of time to do as such. With all of this decision making I have before me, I am now between a winter vacation it is :)
For starters as an update to my site is the long-awaited and much-anticipated "Glamour section", which you can find by going to my gallery at or go directly to see my Glamour gallery by clicking here
For those younger and sensitive readers, please mind this gallery as it may offend. Nudity in an artistic way is displayed in this gallery..however if you choose to view, please enjoy! :)
Anyways everyone..enjoy the updates..and I will also be always updating my flickr photo-community website at:
Happy New Year 2007 Everyone! :)