Wednesday, August 08, 2007



Welcome everyone to my newest Gallery and accomplishment with Weller Photography Galleries...Urban Exploration.I have had the opportunity to explore some really cool abandoned and old places over the last few years of my exploration with photography.

In this Gallery, you will see my ever-growing collection of "Urban Exploration"-or otherwise known as the "examination of normally unseen or off-limits parts of human civilization". Giving all the basic ethics when exploring these old spots, and leaving them as they were before my exploration..I took only but photographs of these abandoned and historic relics of the past.

Some of the highlights of this Gallery are: The Buffalo Central Terminal-the Haunted Train Station, The Blue Ghost Tunnel-the Creepy old Tunnel, Prudhomme's Wet n' Wild-the old Abandoned Water Park, Jackfish-the Northern Ontario Ghost Town...and many others...and always stay tuned for updates, as there are a few more urban explorations to be added soon!

And so, I bring you... URBAN EXPLORATION

aluminum info
Thank you for being Visitor: