Friday, July 28, 2006

In Two Weeks...

A short announcement to update you all on what will be happening with the site over the next few weeks...

I am pleased to tell you all that in two weeks from tonight, April and I will be setting out on a long journey to the wilds of Northern Ontario.

~The North Shore of Superior~

We are leaving on August 11th and will be back on August 28th.

What an amazing trip it will be. I have dubbed this "The 10 Trip"..our plan? I wont elaborate too much due to my love for surprise, but our plan is to hit 10 Provincial Parks in 10 Days.
I can't guarantee the time frame of 10 days, but what I can guarantee is that those 10 provincial parks already have campsites with our names on them :)

So stay tuned everyone..this ought to be one truly amazing trip!


Welcome to Weller Photography!

(originally written late-Wed July 26th, 2006)

Teaching myself with some teachings of others on how to make a website is strenuous on the eyes, not to mention the motivation at 1am, when you want to give that “extra bit for presentation”.
This my readers is that extra bit. Shotty performance on my part, but I am sure when I put my mind to it, I will have a proper blog server up and going in no time for my entries :)Photography..ah yes..what a wonderful word in the dictionary, and what an amazing talent that one can have, and share with others. A developed eye, one behind the lens, with an awareness of their own surroundings, poised, ready for that next click away.And for that, I now will take my midnight-oil induced thoughts to my pillow. Watch for more updates to the site tomorrow.

Today’s update: People Gallery

Enjoy..and thanks for stopping by! :)~ Tom
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