Pond Hockey!
It was actually a lovely day out this past Monday January 29th, 2007. I decided to take advantage of the sunny blue-skied day and take a walk down into Martindale Pond, here in St.Catharines. I happened upon a group of guys, in their early 20's also enjoying the great weather by shovelling off the snow on the frozen Matindale Pond in order to have a fun game of ice-ball hockey. They happily agreed to let me take photos of their game. It was a fun game and was full of good old Canadian ice-ball hockey antics!
Thanks to "The Team": Brandon Choscinski, Lee Carpenter, Keegan Williams, Alex Buchan, Ben Rive, and Jay Brown, for sharing their hockey game at Martindale Pond!

Thanks to "The Team": Brandon Choscinski, Lee Carpenter, Keegan Williams, Alex Buchan, Ben Rive, and Jay Brown, for sharing their hockey game at Martindale Pond!

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