Thursday, September 14, 2006

In the News (Part 1)

This week I have been fortunate to have been able to network myself well into the Niagara-area newstands, via the Niagara Falls Review, the Welland Tribune, as well as Our Niagara. A big thank you goes out to everyone involved in order to help me that much closer to my goal with photography.
Networking oneself in this field is definitely a key to one's success. I really haven't been too succesful yet, however my feeling or my take rather on this whole process, is that there is something big to become of it. Now I am sure that maybe even in the near future, there wont be as many small successes as I have had over the last week, however I am sure there will be many more and many greater right around that corner. Sometimes good things do happen to those who wait.
That's really how I take a photograph..patience and time...(that and "knowledge" of the movement of light, but I will get to that in later entries)

So..again..I thank all those with the local print media who have helped me along my way with my passion in this crazy thing we called life. I'm glad I can share my images of it with you all.

Here is my most recent "Our Niagara"-Regional Municipality of Niagara website..also in print form to be distributed later today.

Or you could just go to:

For local photographers who are reading this post, I definitely recommend that if you choose to have your photos in really is a fun way to get your stuff noticed and get your own self working on that hobby or life-passion of yours...check out the above site and click on the Our Niagara link underneath the photo. If they choose your shot, they will email you. Best suggestion..find a horizontal photo, that fits your feeling or your view on the Niagara area..ensure that you are submitting a shot that best fits the present season..write your best quote about the shot..and submit away! You will be emailed when they have accepted your photo. Cool thing's up on this site for a whole week, and it's in a printed newsletter that is delivered in many areas of the Niagara Falls area. This gives you GREAT exposure to your talents. Good luck everyone and Happy Shooting!


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